Inhabit the harlots’ rooms of love and discover the never revealed secrets of this former brothel.
In every nook and cranny, unusual personal objects, surprising day-to-day business documents, mysterious messages and many surprises reveal the life of the former brothel in the 1960s, at a time when harlots could legally practice the world’s oldest profession.
Secret Rooms
Human traffickers who, dressed as nurses, attracted Lisbon’s newcomers to the business, young provincial novices who exchanged the convent for the brothel. Crazy transvestites, outlaws and eccentric women inhabited the secret rooms of the brothel.
Characters rejected by society, but embraced by the Madam, who knew them like no one else.
Trust the Madam and discover which character she has in store for you.
For over 16 years old.
Capacity: 2 people
Prices from € 150,00
6 life stories to experience
Lisbon’s Fantasies
Conceição Mestra do Tesão, Rosa Bandida, Leonor das Caldas, Maria Fadista, Raquel Gulosa and Albertina dos Touros.
More than maids, they were Madam’s close friends and the few with access to her private room.
Among them resided the best-kept secrets of the brothel, from connections to the Secret Police of the Dictatorship, through the education of the new harlots to the schemes to make the pimps disappear who, under promises of protection, exploited these women.
Be a part of this strong inner circle and wear the skin of the friend that the Madam recommends you.
For over 16 years old.
Capacity: 2 people
Prices from € 175,00
7 life stories to experience
Madam’s Treasures
Focused on growing her business, the Madam invested in novelties to attract new clientele and keep regular customers.
The most famous of them all was the “Roda Viva”, code name for sensual encounters that ended in orgies. These rooms, with huge beds, served as stage for the exotic shows of the japanese Misaki; the famous contortionist Zu, owner of a real harem; the twin sisters’ soft spanking sessions and the crazy evenings of the mistresses Teresa and Rubia.
Surrender yourself into the hands of the Madam and find out which Treasure you will inhabit.
For over 16 years old.
Capacity: 3 people
XL Bed for the polyamorous
Prices from € 190,00
4 life stories to experience
Special Corners
Like so many harlots, the Madam began to gain fame on a corner of Cais do Sodré and, from there, built her empire of pleasure.
In honor of her past and everything she learned on the streets, she built the Special Corners within the brothel.
Two privileged rooms: one where she conducted the domination sessions herself, art that gave her fame among lovers, and another where a young provocateur, newly arrived from the streets, served foreign clients.
Which one of the special corners will the Madam choose for you to live in
For over 16 years old.
Capacity: 2 people
Prices from € 190,00
2 life stories to experience
World’s Pearls
“More jewelry, more attention.” It was the basic rule in welcoming customers when the girls were called into the reception room.
A jewel-laden customer had direct access to “heaven”, as the top floor of the brothel was known for.
High level eroticism was ensured by exotic women from China, the East and Africa, who offered sensual experiences with water.
A waterfall inspired by tropical environments, steam baths or bubble bath. Which one of the Madam’s Pearls awaits you?
For over 16 years old.
Capacity: 2 people
Prices from € 205,00
3 life stories to experience

Inhabit the harlots’ rooms of love and discover the never revealed secrets of this former brothel.
In every nook and cranny, unusual personal objects, surprising day-to-day business documents, mysterious messages and many surprises reveal the life of the former brothel in the 1960s, at a time when harlots could legally practice the world’s oldest profession.
Secret Rooms
EHuman traffickers who, dressed as nurses, attracted Lisbon’s newcomers to the business, young provincial novices who exchanged the convent for the brothel. Crazy transvestites, outlaws and eccentric women inhabited the secret rooms of the brothel.
Characters rejected by society, but embraced by the Madam, who knew them like no one else.
Trust the Madam and discover which character she has in store for you.
Lisbon’s Fantasies
Conceição Mestra do Tesão, Rosa Bandida, Leonor das Caldas, Maria Fadista, Raquel Gulosa and Albertina dos Touros.
More than maids, they were Madam’s close friends and the few with access to her private room.
Among them resided the best-kept secrets of the brothel, from connections to the Secret Police of the Dictatorship, through the education of the new harlots to the schemes to make the pimps disappear who, under promises of protection, exploited these women.
Be a part of this strong inner circle and wear the skin of the friend that the Madam recommends you.
Madam’s Treasures
Focused on growing her business, the Madam invested in novelties to attract new clientele and keep regular customers.
The most famous of them all was the “Roda Viva”, code name for sensual encounters that ended in orgies. These rooms, with huge beds, served as stage for the exotic shows of the japanese Misaki; the famous contortionist Zu, owner of a real harem; the twin sisters’ soft spanking sessions and the crazy evenings of the mistresses Teresa and Rubia.
Surrender yourself into the hands of the Madam and find out which Treasure you will inhabit.
Special Corners
Like so many harlots, the Madam began to gain fame on a corner of Cais do Sodré and, from there, built her empire of pleasure.
In honor of her past and everything she learned on the streets, she built the Special Corners within the brothel.
Two privileged rooms: one where she conducted the domination sessions herself, art that gave her fame among lovers, and another where a young provocateur, newly arrived from the streets, served foreign clients.
Which one of the special corners will the Madam choose for you to live in
World’s Pearls
“More jewelry, more attention.” It was the basic rule in welcoming customers when the girls were called into the reception room.
A jewel-laden customer had direct access to “heaven”, as the top floor of the brothel was known for.
High level eroticism was ensured by exotic women from China, the East and Africa, who offered sensual experiences with water.
A waterfall inspired by tropical environments, steam baths or bubble bath. Which one of the Madam’s Pearls awaits you?